Thursday, February 9, 2012

My humble abode...
(I'll post pictures of the room as soon as I get blankets and bins and such :) )

The kids coming to play for recess!!! They all shovel snow the whole time
(this is out of my third floor window in my dorm)

My dorm! Concordia-heim. It is for students mainly, but also random people that don't go to school live in the dorms.

A field next to the dorm
I'm on the third floor-- this is the beautiful stained
 glass windows throughout the stairwell

My dorm! It looks pretty drab, hopefully spring will come (I'm doubtful at this point) and I can post more colorful pictures
My hall way-- My room is the second one there on the right
 (the first you can really see here)

No keys, all key cards! Makes it easy to get in and out,
also easy to lock yourself out!
Everything is very very new. Nothing is the slightest bit damaged or 'used'

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying your pictures and updates. Everything looks very pretty and nice, even though it is the winter. Take care, Girlfriend.
