Klikov, Czech Republic
I ventured on a five day exploration of the small village of Klikov in South Bohemia. With a population of 200, this village plotted next to a newly declared "Biosphere Reserve" offered an interesting study for my social ecology class. "Studying Local Rural Systems" took place as a field study of the 'community' and biological impact of this shrinking village. Traditionally a potters community, the area fell under communist control and went from 1000 inhabitants and 13 studios to 200 people and 3 studios present day.
Tiny town, tiny train, tiny station
Sunset the first night:
Our room- I shared with a Spanish girl (practiced another foreign language!), an Austrian, and a girl originally from Colorado.
The accomodations were perfect.
I spent a lot of time napping in the grass (and waking up covered in ants)
As part of our studies we went on a 34 km bike tour of the region. I'm not especially fond of biking, so this was quite the experience for me.... It was very beautiful and definitely an adventure-- I'll leave it at that!
Regardless of anything that happened the whole week was worth it for the sole reason that the non-native speakers said cow shit and horse shit instead of manure. We'd be in lecture or doing presentations and someone would say cow shit when talking about sustainability and I'd about lose it!
My small group had the opportunity to interview a local
potter named Martin. Martin was an extremely interesting man with
an unequaled positive outlook on life. After talking to him we were able
to form our opinion on village life and the community interaction there. He had pretty flowers, swallows nesting, and lovely pottery.

Typical Czech: A Pilsner glass as aquarium decoration!
Train ride back to Klagenfurt from Vienna
Anddddd the food
The whole weeks accomodation, travel, and food was paid for by a grant for education. We ate traditional Czech food which was good, but very heavy. It was a terrific cuisine experience, but I'm ready to have a salad or two!
Above is Mike's favorite, dumplings, and below is Jolyne's
favorite, potato pancakes!
Czech cola! Made with herbs and super yummy